The Spooky Truth About Food Dyes
Happy Halloween!
Yellow 6, Yellow 5, and Red 3 - those are the artificial dyes used in candy corn
Candy is one of those dumping grounds for fake food dyes, so watch out!
Did you know, fake food dyes are created from PETROLEUM(1)?!
Beyond that, here are some of the lovely details on food dyes:
Yellow 5 and 6 contain benzidine, a carcinogen(1)
Yellow 5 can make asthma worse(1)
Artificial dyes may cause behavioral issues, hyperactivity, and sleep issues(1)
If you’re going to choose candy on this special day, check the labels, and choose natural options that don’t include food additives like artificial food dyes.
Orig Photo: Dane Deaner
(1) Ballentyne, S., PhD (2017). Paleo Principles. Canada: Victory Belt